星期二, 九月 23, 2008

Nelson 充实的生活

自从北岛旅行回来,银两几乎花光光。。。听朋友说Advanced Personnel 公司(Contractor)在为Sealord鱼厂找员工,赶紧开车“移民”到Nelson。成功被Advanced录取之后,还要到去上Sealord公司说明会。为了节省开支,我很幸运地找到一家背包客栈当清洁工(两小时)来换取免费的住宿。



星期一, 七月 14, 2008


I have not enough time to post all stories in New Zealand. Tonight I have accidentally found cheaper internet in Taupo, so I decide to post my recent photos of my North Island trip (Can't post my previous stories because laptop is put at hostel).
1)Heywood Beautiful Sunset (MOON)
2)Picton Harbour
3)Wellington Tepapa Museum
4)Mushroom after raining day
5)Paihia Beach
6)Mussel!Mussel!Mussel! Is FREE
7)Cape Reinga (Top of NZ)
8)Mount Manganui
9)Rotorua Hot Spring & Mud Pool

10) Te Puke Kiwi 360
11)Taupo Huka Fall

星期五, 六月 27, 2008

离开马来西亚 Leaving Malaysia

终于踏上旅途,霎那间有点不舍,眼泪掉了两滴。。。坐上JetStar的班机,挨了八小时才到悉尼。这段飞行吃了两次餐点,还蛮美味!接下来有十小时的待机空档,就乘地下铁逛街咯。乱走一通!不知不觉就到了唐人街。它并没有什么特别,就一条街里开了许多华人的商店和餐馆。之后,到New Market吃了午餐,再小睡一会就回机场咯。

原来机场的厕所有洗澡间!大乐,赶紧洗个热水澡,多舒服啊~~ 然后,就在里面的座位小睡了一下 :P



真对不起,太久没更新部落各了。从现在开始,遗失的部分会慢慢补上(因为怨声四起~~)。请各位降降温 :P

星期日, 四月 06, 2008

Creative Mail Box

I love it!

The way of selling

There is an interesting thing that I found in New Zealand. This is related to the selling method of their own home-grown harvest. Please see the photo below for better understanding...you will surprise! It never happens in my country.

The life in apple packhouse

Being a apple packer, firstly, you have to learn standing on the floor for more than 10 hours. Although you will nearly die (with painful leg and back) in the first week,it will be better later on and until no feeling at all. Secondly, your eye,hand and brain must concentrate and work together to pick out those bad apples. Third, you must know how to utilize smoko time to relax yourself and drink some free tea and milk. Fourth, do it .do it. do it. Sound easy?

星期六, 三月 29, 2008

Motueka, Nelson

Hi, I am now an apple packer in Motueka. The company name is Heywood Orchard. The people here is so nice! (compare to Blenheim). Beside that, I can stay in a "Banglo" (actually is 2 person share house, but my roommate has left) for only NZD 70 per week. So lucky and happy. Really appreciate and thank Sueann who recommended me to come here.In this company, I have known some friends from Taiwan. We have a very good time.To earn more money, we have worked from 7:30am to 5pm and 6pm to 10pm. Plus, there is no hanphone service line here. So, I felt sorry to those who called me before. See You.

星期日, 三月 16, 2008

Mrs. Flory - A wonderful doll maker

Yesterday, I was going to town centre (Blenheim) by walking. Suddenly I found a very beautiful house covered by lovely flowers! The owner is Mrs Flory. She has 700 dolls in her house. All made by her own! Amazing!

BBQ at Leeways Backpackers

Today was Sunday. A very windy day. We had a BBQ party at backyard. It's great and fun. All the backpackers gathered together and ATE,PLAYED and have FUN!!

星期六, 三月 15, 2008

Blenheim Hand Picking

Hi, I am in Blenheim now. This is a sunny small town with uncountable vineyard. For sure, I am working in the vineyard with the Kiwi contractor (Lex). Although working with phisical work, you feel no stress and enjoy a lot (because no need to use brain, haha). Working here you have 3 break time - smoko time (10:00am - 10:15am), lunch (12:30pm - 1:00pm) and somoko time again (3:00pm - 3:15pm). Contractor will provide us tea,coffee and biscuit! Isn't it good?